Susanna Pozzoli Venetian Way, Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte / Michelangelo

Foundation for creativity and craftsmanship, Italian-English, Marsilio Editori, Venice, 2021

In October Marisilio Editori is publishing the book Venetian Way with photographs and texts by Susanna Pozzoli

who worked extensively in the Veneto Region to create this unique project, first exhibited at Fondazione Giorgio Cini

in Venice in 2018 for Homo Faber event.

Pozzoli presents with her photographs and writing a personal and enchanting view of venetian masters and their know-how.

introductory texts by:

Dr. Franco Cologhi, founder and president of the Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte

Dr. Toto Bergamo Rossi, director of Fondazione Venetian Heritage Onlus

critical essays by Professor Federica Muzzarelli, Professor of Photography and Visual Culture at the University of Bologna

(branch of Rimini) and Vice-Dean of the Department of Life Qualities Studies (University of Bologna).

More info:

Marsilio Editori

Michelangelo Foundation

Homo Faber event, Venice

Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte

photo: Susanna Pozzoli in Bevilacqua Tessuti
©Susanna Pozzoli / Michelangelo Foundation, 2018